Helping You Succeed
In order to run a copy of MCL-Collection software in full featured mode, the product must have a valid activated license.
Each MCL license activation involves three (3) parts — a license number, a serial number and an activation key. These three parts become associated with one another during the activation process. Thereafter, only when all three are present together will your software run fully activated.
The license number comes from the MCL License Certificate you receive when you purchase an MCL-Collection product. A given license number can only be linked to one serial number.
In the case of Hardware Key Activation, the serial number comes from the hardware key. In the case of Software Key Activation, the serial number is taken from the PC, server, or mobile computer to which you are licensing the software to run.
The activation key is a code assigned, during the activation process, by the MCL License website.
Prior to activating your MCL software you will need to:
Download and install the appropriate MCL software on your computer. The package you install must match the brand of the license you have bought. The most recent software versions can be downloaded from the
Software Downloads page.
Have your MCL License Certificate handy. It is sent via email when you purchase your MCL software. It contains your MCL License Number and Password.
Install the Hardware Key on your PC, if you are using the Hardware Key Activation method to activate MCL-Collection PC-based software.
Have Internet access or live contact with someone who has access.
Run the MCL software to be activated and follow the activation instructions.
During the activation process, you are prompted to choose Software Key Activation or Hardware Key Activation. Make your selection very carefully:
If you are activating MCL-Client software:
Choose Software Key Activation
Hardware Key Activation is not possible for MCL-Client
If you attempt Hardware Key Activation, your license may be lost
If you are activating PC-based software, once the activation is done, you:
During the activation process, you are prompted to continue the activation online or offline.
MCL-Client can only be activated offline.
Online requires the PC, on which you are performing the activation, to have internet access.
If you are doing a Software Key Activation, be sure you are performing the activation on the system where you want to run the software.
If you are activating software on a PC that does not have internet access, choose offline activation.
If you are activating your software offline, you or someone with whom you are in contact, needs internet access to the MCL License website at This person enters the activation information manually on the license website to get your assigned Activation Key.
Online Activation involves fewer manual steps than Offline Activation to get your Activation Key.
When the activation is done, you are prompted to keep a copy of your activation information — License Number, Serial Number, Activation Key. Be sure to keep a record of this information someplace safe. The serial number and activation key are generated during the activation process. With this information you can restore your license without the need for internet access.
For PC-based software, you are also prompted to make a backup of the MCL.Key file that was created during the activation process. Always backup your MCL.Key file and keep it in a safe place. You can use it to restore your license activation without going through the entire activation process again.
Finally, if you do any maintenance on your PC that modifies the MCL.Key file, be sure to update your backup of MCL.Key as well. An obsolete backup will not be of any help for license recovery.
If you are a Solutions Provider and want to license activate your customer’s MCL-Collection PC-based software for them, proceed as follows:
For Software Key Activation, you must perform the activation directly on the customer’s PC or server.
For Hardware Key Activation, go through the entire activation process on any PC. When the activation is completed, copy the MCL.Key file generated onto a media that can be used to copy the file onto the customer’s server. Bundle the given Hardware Key with its corresponding MCL.Key file and give the bundle to the customer. Be sure to indicate into which directory the MCL.Key file should be copied on the customer’s server.
If you want to Hardware Key Activate several copies of, for example, MCL-Net, repeat the entire activation process for each license to be activated. Be sure to use a different Hardware Key for each activation. When each activation is completed, copy the MCL.Key file generated onto a media that can be used to copy the file onto the customer’s server. Bundle the MCL.Key with its corresponding Hardware Key. Delete the MCL.Key file from your system between each activation. This is necessary to create a unique MCL.Key file for each activation.
If you want to license activate your customer’s MCL-Client software for them:
Choose carefully between Software Key Activation and Hardware Key Activation before activating your software.
You cannot change from a Software Key Activation to a Hardware Key Activation under any circumstances
You can change from a Hardware Key Activation to a Software Key Activation. However, a transfer procedure and administration fee apply
If you rent, lease or frequently retire PCs and therefore want to be able to move your software from computer to computer, then use Hardware Key Activation
Keep a copy of your MCL License Certificate in a safe place for future reference. This license is essentially the asset you are buying when you purchase an MCL software product. |
If you received licensing information but not the actual MCL License Certificate, please ask for it from the Reseller, Distributor or Hardware manufacturer from which you purchased your MCL software. MCL Technologies sends the License Certificate to the email address entered into our online ordering system by the organization placing your software order. If your email address is entered, you will receive the License Certificate directly. The organization placing the order automatically receives a copy of the License Certificate as well. |
The license number on your License Certificate also enables you to search, retrieve or verify your Activation Status and Activation Key from the MCL License website at |