Bridge the Gap to Your Host
Whether for a BackOffice application, a warehouse management system, or enterprise resource planning system, MCL-Collection provides MCL-Bridge DLL for you to create a custom interface between your host application and your mobile computing and barcode printing applications.
As with MCL-Collection’s other bridges, MCL-Bridge DLL includes a development component and a deployment component. The development component is integrated as a standard feature of MCL-Designer as a series of host communication processes:
Send packet
Receive packet
Send file
Receive file
Host lookup
MCL-Link start
Remote file check
Remote file operation
Start EXE on host
Regarding deployment, the MCL-Bridge DLL is simply a library of routines that allows you to create your own deployment component:
The deployment component you create can be a self-contained executable that acts as an intermediary between a third-party host application and MCL-Link or MCL-Net, or it can be an extension of a custom host application enabling it to communicate directly with MCL-Link and MCL-Net, which, in turn, communicates with your mobile computing and barcode printing applications.
Standard Feature |
Integrate your mobile computing and barcode printing applications with any host application
Built-in processes |
Accelerate custom integration with your host applications
Support for all MCL enabled devices |
Provide the same interface to your database regardless of the features and form factor of a given mobile computer or barcode printer
Modular architecture |
Take advantage of MCL-Collection’s flexible, scalable deployment architecture to adapt your deployment to your evolving business needs.
Today, use MCL-Bridge DLL with MCL-Link to access your host application; tomorrow, use MCL-Bridge DLL with MCL-Net
Data transactions |
Create an end-to-end solution with any host application