Build End-to-End Solutions
Based on a modular, thick-client architecture, MCL-Collection has a set of completely integrated core components. These are the fundamental building blocks of any MCL deployment, and can be mixed-and-matched to fit your needs. With these components, you can create and deploy a data capture application, with host integration, for any supported mobile computer or barcode label printer.
What’s more, MCL-Collection also includes many supplementary products, some of which integrate with the core products, others of which are completely stand-alone.
Below is a brief overview of MCL-Collection’s core components and a flash animation illustrating how everything fits together.
Flash movie goes here.
MCL-Collection’s main development environment for creating applications for mobile computers and barcode label printers
Required add-ons to MCL-Designer. A necessary component to recognize a given mobile computer or barcode label printer
Device resident software. Executes, on the mobile computer or barcode label printer, the application you create using MCL-Designer or other MCL-Collection development tool.
Communications server. Software for batch, point-to-point serial uploads and downloads over RS232, USB, modem, or PPP. Handles communications for one terminal at a time.
Communications server. Software for real-time, networked communications over Ethernet, WiFi or GPRS. Handles communications for concurrent users.
Interfaces your MCL application to your host application. Modular component that sits on top of MCL-Link or MCL-Net.
MCL-Collection includes the following bridges: