Partnering for Mutual Success
MCL Technologies has partners globally across a broad range of organizations from technology leaders and solution providers to distributors. These partners allow us to bring our mutual customers total end-to-end solutions — using state-of-the-art technologies — that solve real business issues.
Our technology partners are primarily hardware manufacturers that OEM MCL-Collection. Through these partners we have early access to new hardware and hardware technologies allowing us to develop complementary software products.
Our distributors sell MCL-Collection software to resellers and system integrators throughout the world.
MCL Technologies has an extensive global network of solution integrators. They include consulting companies and professional services organizations that implement software only solutions and value-added resellers that provide total solutions involving hardware and software.
Our Certified Voice Partners have successfully completed the MCL-Voice Certification program for MCL-Voice Generation 2. In addition to being experts in other fields, such as warehouse management or SAP implementations, our voice partners also have the specialized knowledge required to implement voice solutions — voice directed solutions and multimodal solutions — in these environments.
Invitation to Our Valued Solution Integrators:
Please be aware that MCL Technologies is creating an online Application Center to help customers find your solutions. We invite you to join. To participate in this networking opportunity, simply send us your App Center submission form so we can include you in the initial launch of this exciting initiative.
MCL Technologies moderates the MCL-Collection eGroup — a virtual environment where MCL users, like you, share information about MCL-Collection software. Join today!