Bridge the Gap to Your Host
If you use SAP to drive your “shop-floor” operations in retail, warehouse, distribution, manufacturing, or transportation and logistics and want to improve your shop-floor worker productivity or your shop-floor related SAP data integrity, you need MCL-Bridge for SAP. This high-productivity, fully integrated software allows you to interface activities right from the point of activity, directly into SAP.
An optional component of MCL-Collection, MCL-Bridge for SAP is a technical interface between MCL and SAP. It ‘sits’ on top of MCL-Link or MCL-Net and gives your applications direct access to SAP using standard interfaces:
Remote Function Calls (RFC)
Intermediate Documents (IDOC)
Business Object Application Program Interface (BAPI)
Once deployed, MCL-Bridge for SAP executes the IDOC and RFC/BAPI custom scripts you create using MCL-Designer and its add-on for SAP.
With its development component, deployment components, and modular approach, MCL-Collection has everything you need to create a complete end-to-end solution with SAP.
Note: MCL-Bridge for SAP is an SAP certified interface.
Tailored user interfaces |
Maximize worker productivity with interactive exchanges between the worker and your SAP system
Local validations |
Take your SAP system off the critical path for operations
Create a natural work flow for your operations around the movement of physical goods rather than being restricted to SAP’s view of the data
Support for all MCL enabled devices |
Provide the same interface to SAP regardless of the features and form factor of a given mobile computer or barcode printer
Multimodal approach |
Create an unbroken link between SAP and shop-floor equipment, such as scales, intelligent sensors, PLCs, and others
Mix and match technologies to maximize worker productivity while maintaining full conformity to SAP standards
Modular architecture |
Take advantage of its scalable and flexible deployment architecture to adapt to your changing requirements as your business evolves
Multiple SAP transactions from a single shop-floor entry |
Ensure your complete SAP data integrity with controlled propagation of a single transaction
Multiple systems updates from a single shop-floor entry |
Ensure system coherency and data integrity across your entire enterprise with the automatic posting of a single transaction to multiple systems
Operator or system driven operations |
Enjoy the best of both worlds — operations flexibility while still maintaining SAP data integrity